Saturday, September 25, 2010

Battleship - Corvette Class

My newest ship - the HMS Hood - the famed battleship is now SketcheUp'ed, and I'm rather pleased with it.
I like the wrench shape of it, like a tool designed for a function an not to look good.
I want to make a battleship - a cruiser or dreadnaught class ship - based on the shape of an axe or a cleaver, but that might be a bit of a challenge to get that one exactly right...

Here's the corvette again:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

David Attenborough and the BBC

I just love the BBC and David Attenborough, whose life long dedication to show the rest of us, just how amazing this planet really is, has been one of my strongest inspirations. You'll never expect one dull moment in a BBC production, starring Sir David Attenborough.
Just watch...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Freighter: Lightcutter Class

Still looks too much like my computer cabinet, but I kinda like it.
This is the Lightcutter Class Freighter, equipped with standard ion engines (Hauser ltd.), and a single, minor jump engine (Shang Zhou Engine Corp.) Quite comfortable for a smaller crew.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Freighter - Hauler Class

I'm currently working on the design of the cargo freighter, belonging to my main protagonists - but I still haven't worked it out yet. This one is somewhat in the right direction, but it does looks like something you've seen before. And I think it's a bit too big. I still like it, and that's why I decided to post it here. 

The ship I need got to have a little more personality, but nothing like the Millenium Falcon (where do Han put the cargo on that ship???) and a bit more together than Serenity (it does look like they mashed 5 ships together into one)...

And thanks to Google SketchUp...